Re: Henry's 55 Constellation

Posted by 55PackardGuy On 2009/12/21 22:56:41
Rusty O\'Toole wrote:
A lockup torque converter should run cooler.

If the lockup starts to slip, though, it'll heat everything up in a hurry. That's why the thing had to be engineered to work right all the time, which Chrysler found out when they tried to make theirs--about 24 years after Packard first showed how it was done. I wouldn't be surprised if the Twin Ultra overall had a better repair record than the first Chrysler lockup torque converter trans did. I remember it was considered a dud.


Every time I look at your work I feel like a complete slipshod slug, but in a good way! It's great to at least know there are young people out there who know how to do things right-- and especially to document the work as well as you have. You'll probably save a lot more Packards than your own with this blog. "Ask the Man Who Works On One," eh?

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