Grandpa's '28 526 - The good, The bad, and the Ugly

Posted by Ray17015 On 2010/3/15 17:01:43
I have recently been given, what is very likely my Grandfather's first car - 1928 526 sedan. Family lore is that it was purchased, likely in 1935 and driven by the uncle who raised him. It is unclear at this point, exactly when it was given to my Grandfather, but the title was never transferred. At some point, he returned the car to his uncle. Parked in 1948, and stored in various garages ever since. Its condition was apparently very good until in 1951-'52, some joy riding teenagers took it through a field, complete with fencing, and narrow posts. The evidence of this foray is still present.

The Good - "Free to a good home", or words to that effect when none of the first generation showed enough interest to stop my getting the car.

The Bad - I may have been ripped off!!!!

The Ugly - There is no ugly! It is after all, a Packard!! My rose colored glasses may be showing, but I can only see what it was and what it will be again.

Spent a few hours this weekend, liberating the interior from the confines of the factory. As a hobbiest woodworker, I am not at all afraid of the rotted wood, in fact, there is a lot more intact than I had expected. I need new pillars, and both top pieces, but the bottom, (which I had feared the most, as without these, the body might fall apart, and dimensions hard to replicate) is totally intact.

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