Re: The Packard Institute's 1949 project

Posted by BH On 2010/4/2 11:29:57
Rusty O/'Toole wrote:

This project has me completely baffled. You know nothing about fixing old cars. Your young charges know even less. The Packard company went out of business years before they were born and probably before you were born.

I can't see anything about this whole thing that has the slightest relevance to you, the children or your work.

I'm not being smart here. I wish you and the young people the best. I just can't understand why you are doing this, or what the point is.

C'mon Rusty, surely you're not serious with such commentary.

Are you telling me that people who don't know anything about fixing old cars are prohibited from working on them with their own two hands?

Are you telling me there's something wrong with troubled youth channelling their energies into a constructive learning experience? Would you rather that, upon finding an old car in a barn, the woods, or some back alley, they use it for target practice?

Are you saying there's no value in people learning about history which predates their birth? Heck, we might as well close all the museums and archives, then. Anyone up for a good book burning?

Don't you think that maybe one of the kids involved in this project might, then, be inspired to pursue a career in the automotive field or even the hobby?

How is this project any less worthwhile than restorations that countless vocational schools across the country have taken on in their automotive curriculums for decades?

What baffles me is all the whining that goes on in club circles about the graying of the hobby. It's gonna take a lot more than taking a kid to a car show or getting them signed up in a club to fix that problem.

Meanwhile, I look forward to hearing more on this project as it progresses.

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