Re: BigKev's 1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Sedan
Posted by BigKev On 2010/4/21 1:52:59
So I was investigating why my Inductive Timing Light is acting wacky. So with motor running, the timing light will trigger whether the inductive pickup is connected or not. Kill the motor, and the light stops. So I thinking there must be some type of feedback. So I run the timing light off another 12v battery, and car the motor run on it's own 12v battery. Problem returns. This with the timing light not hooked to the car in any way, and about 4 ft away from the car. Stop the motor and the light stops.
So I start poking around on the internet, and I guess some inductive timing lights go crazy around solid core ignition wire (IE Packard 440 wire). I guess they bled a ton of EMF that causes the inductive pickup to false trigger.
I wonder why it's throwing off so much interference. Perhaps my rotor doesn't have the carbon button on it. I am using non-resistor spark plugs also (AC-45).
Hmmmm...... I guess I need to find a non-inductive timing light. Do they even make those anymore?
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