Re: 1956 Clipper Hot Rod

Posted by Allen Kahl On 2010/5/29 8:19:56

About 90% of the clipper was already in the works before I got the axe. There was not much sense in pulling back, so I just kept going. At least if something did hit the car would be ready, but everytime I took a step forward something kicked me back two steps. I knew the economy was tight but I kept hoping that something would click, I never figured to be out of work so long, but this is the way companies can discriminate because of age and get away with it, they just figure out some excuse not to hire you like "looking for stronger candidates". I have over 40 years of experience in this field, who could be stronger? Answer someone in his 40's and half the salary. Oh well!! In any event if the car could be finished and something miraculous happens then we will see. However as you suggested if nothing else, I can take it to a cruise or local show until things smooth out. As to the commentary, the costs I laid out were the costs I would have to pay out for my circumstances and situation. True everyone has their own way of doing things and you read an alternative. Not my alternative but an alternative. There are probably as many ways to do that show as there are Packard owners. I still have not pulled the plug on the whole thing yet. I am waiting for the very last minute to do that just in case. My reservation has been spoken for (R.B.) so I can transfer it it at any time. so with the way my luck has been going I will cancel out everything and the the car will be done and I will come into the where-with-all to go, I guess I am somewhat of an eternal optimist.


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