Re: Peterson's 1940 Packard

Posted by West Peterson On 2010/6/9 9:34:15
My Delphi (former Delphi) engineer friend says this:

"I believe it is the large iron cores of the generator field coil that get polarized - residual magnetism in the right direction (polarity) is what you are after. I don't think there is any residual magnetism issue in the solenoid frame(s) of the regulator.

One of my fears has always been that polarization could be somewhat abusive to the regulator.

Here's what I would do: Install, and start it up. If all is well, do not polarize. If there is any suspect behavior, stop, polarize and try again."

I did as he said. Everything seems to be working fine. Charge at idle, charge at high rpm. Charge at high rpm with lights on, discharge at idle with lights on.

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