Re: Henry's 55 Constellation

Posted by 55PackardGuy On 2010/6/27 16:26:12

cli55er wrote:
about to start rebuilding the torque converter, but in the mean time i took one of the exhaust valves out because i have never done that before and it was there. they were pretty rusty looking. only the exhaust side though. you can see after cleaning it off....they wont be reused.

enjoy the pics of my pitted up valve. not really sure why it got that line in the middle of the lip seal.



Henry, what the heck is wrong with that valve? Now a real shade-tree mehanick would file 'er off an put 'er back in, like we did with a stuck exhaust valve on a '48 Dodge flathead 6. Had to use a vice grips to get it out, which chewed it up a little, but some TLC and it went right back in, and is still in there, doing it's job. It's practically criminal to waste an only minimally busted valve.

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