Re: Tom Malas "1931 833 Restoration "

Posted by Tom (Packin31) On 2010/9/13 12:08:53
Some updates on my project.

With the help of my younger bother last week. We got the windshield installed.

We also install the fabric/vinyl roof material. It was not as hard to install as one would thought. I think the installation went a little easier is because I took out the chicken wire for support of the material and replaced it with a 1/8" thick piece of birch plywood. I glued and screwed the wood to the bows and on the edges I used some top of the line caulk and also screwed it down there.

Before installing the material I had this bright idea why not take some extra steps and figure out how can I seal up the seam and all the extra holes in the roof from the previous roof material. Well while walking around the home store I glanced over to the gutter isle and a bell went off in my head ahh here we go a 4" x 10' roll of gutter/chimney repair/seal stuff. It worked like a charm. Now I wish I would of taken pictures of all my steps for you to all see but I did not. Was just so up on getting the material installed it slipped my mind. My bad. Sorry.

Thursday, Friday part of Saturday and Sunday I worked on one of the rear fenders. They sure need a lot of TLC.

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