Re: 51Packard's....51 Packard

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2010/10/12 11:53:50
I've always bought the correct engine enamel from one of the Packard vendors, but primarily to get the correct color. They are good, durable paints but not truly high-temp enamels, nor is one needed as nothing on the engine block itself gets much warmer than the temperature of the coolant, 220-240 max and more generally 180 or so. So if you can find the correct color in a good quality regular enamel, it should be just fine.

Exception to the above is the exhaust manifold where you must use a high temperature enamel if you wish to paint it. I very much like Eastwood's "stainless steel" high temp exhaust manifold paint, after it's seen heat a few times is dulls down to a very good approximation of freshly cast iron.

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