Re: 51Packard's....51 Packard

Posted by Stephen Houseknecht On 2010/10/18 10:19:16

In the long run it is always easier to do a job once even if it seemingly more expensive now. As a photographer I learned a long time ago,and I tell my students every semester,to overbuy equipment capabilities because you grow into it or you will end up needing it sooner than expected. Then you end up duplicating the lower end capabilities.

I was also thinking you might want to get some aluminum baking pans or other deep, cheap aluminum trays to put under your working area to catch dropped parts. There are also some nice cheap halogen work lights that you can get at Home Despot for around 30 bucks ( and they throw some decent heat for the coming colder days and nights)to replace the flashlight.

Hope you don't mind the two cents.

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