Re: BigKev's 1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Sedan

Posted by BigKev On 2011/1/2 19:54:55
Today was a rainy day garage clean up one.

I needed to do a little rearranging in the garage to better fit both the equipment i have in there, and also the phase where the car is at. One thing I needed was just more vertical call space from the floor up.

So I moved 3 wall cabinets from the left side of the garage and mounted them high over the 16ft workbench on the right side of the garage. This allows the cabinets to occupy the unused wall-space above the bench, and frees up the left hand wall for taller equipment.

Also I bid farewell to my free standing HF part washer. I really didn't use it as much as I thought I would, and it really was in the way. Also the recirc pump went bad on it. So out on the curb it went. Someone stopped and picked it up within 10 mins.

Now with the wall cabinets, and part washer out of the way, I was able to move the rolling tool boxes, drill press, and media blaster down. This left a space on the floor up against the wall that was a perfect fit to store all the new (to me) interior. So I stacked all the pallet wrapped seats pieces, door panels, and other pieces there and covered with a couple of blankets for further protection. This location will keep them out of the way and protected until they are ready to go in to the car.

Now that I am not tripping over everything, hopefully I can get back to work on the car. I am against a deadline now, as my vanity plates have arrived at the local DMV office. But I cannot pick them up unless I have a titled, registered car to put them on. So I have 30 days, or they are forfeited. Grrrr.

So the DMV had better prepare for a bare-assed, smoking, clacking beast to show up in their verification lane soon.

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