Re: The Duchess Project: 1940 Super 8 Convertible Sedan

Posted by West Peterson On 2011/5/22 10:10:00
You are correct. There is supposed to be about 3/4-inch spacer on both sides of the windshield wiper mount. With everything in place, it's very hard to get a good look, let alone get a camera up there. I'll give it the Packard Try, though, if you really need a photo. There are definitely spacers, though.

We may have discussed this way back, but that heater switch you have is very desirable, and relatively rare. I was told if you could find one, you'd expect to pay $200-300 for one. I have one, too. The problem is the insulators are all cracking, which prevents me from using either "high" or "low". Have you looked at yours carefully, and/or figured out how to repair those insulators?

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