Re: Henry's 55 Constellation

Posted by PackardV8 On 2011/6/21 9:30:49
All of these posts about bad experience with Fed-ex, UPS, REA express etc are typical. Most everyone has problems on a regular basis.

I always hesitate to business with shippers that do NOT or refuse to ship US POST OFFICE. Over more than 40 years the US post Offfice has has delivered to me with only 2 or 3 rare disappointments.

"Professional" vendors and service providers get somekind of discount or wholesale pricing for the shipping and then recieve somekind of retail price that they charge the customer. HOWEVER it happens to work effectively the big volumn shipper vendors make money from the shipping charges. In some cases that is why they really don't care how many times u return a part for replacement at your expense of shipping both ways.

Best to insist on US Post Office shipping. Only problem there is that USPS has weight and odd sized shipping regulations. So things like tyres, heavy cranks or blocks etc become a problem.

For smaller packages under (IIRC 40 pounds) the US Post Office is optimal.

EDIT: In many cases this is why package delivery or actual ship date of a parcel is often 10 days or more after payment recv'd. The shippers are waiting until they can get up enuf orders to meet somekind of a discount or volumn level shipping discount/wholesale threshold.

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