Re: BigKev's 1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Sedan

Posted by Ross On 2011/10/4 6:14:44
"Jam sanding" sounds like a cool new dance move.

Was hoping to find some better photos for dogleg repair but alas--archive management is not a strong suit.

Basicly, when the edges of the dogleg are good, the easiest way to proceed is to carefully make a flat paper pattern of the dogleg and transfer it onto sheet steel. A handfull of small magnets from the hardware store will hold the paper flat to the panel while you mark and cut it. The same magnets will hold the paper to the sheet steel while you mark it and then cut it to suit.

It is not hard to bend the flat steel by hand to the approximate contour of the dogleg.

Then take a cutting disk and cut out the dogleg leaving maybe 1/8" all around the edge. Go all the way down into the rocker area and get rid of the double layer of metal that causes all the problems there. Then weld your new dogleg right on top of the old edges. Sure, the panel will now stand .036 higher than before but who really gives a rip. If a portion of an edge is not sound just replace it with a small straight piece and edge weld it to your main repair. With a mig on a low power seting, this is not hard.

The one photo I found is of Packup #1; on it, I had to work around the speedline, but "the difference is the same".

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