Re: Snapey's 1935 Racing Biposto

Posted by Matt snape On 2011/10/11 19:17:06
I'm here! Actually I am laid up in bed with what the beautiful wife refers to as the 'Man Flu'. We were away last week on holidays and life has been getting in the way of my Packard hobby once again

I am hoping to spend some time on the biposto project this weekend, but first my daily driver needs some work after spitting the harmonic balancer off the front of the engine just before we went away. Luckly the parts arrived from my friends at Summit Racing in the US yesterday, but it will be a big job if I have to pull the radiator out as I suspect.

Meanwhile I have been planning my next moves on the project. I have sourced the flange mounted, self aligning bearings that I will need to mount the brake cross shaft in its new location and then I will start on the metal profiles and fabrication needed for the numerous other jobs that I have to do, including engine mounts, spring mounts, etc.

Also I am currently on the look out for a suitable steering box. The original set up is not my preference and the car will be right hand drive, so a donor box from another vehicle will be sought.

I have found the people that I will be using to fix/reset the leaf spring packs, so dropping them off is another job to be done - all when time allows.

So even though I have not been able to spend the time in the shed some sort of progress has been made.

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