Re: Tim's '55 Patrician

Posted by Tim Wile On 2011/12/6 17:15:11
Not too much progress to report at this time. I'm still buying and stashing away parts that I think I will need as the project continues. I still have visions of having the Patrician roadworthy by the spring of 2012 and I'm hopeful of making that goal. The body and interior won't be finished, but at least I'll be able to drive the car, which will do wonders for my morale! The weather and my schedule haven't been too cooperative as the decent days and evenings I'm either working or have some commitment with the Boy Scouts or when I'm free, the weather is cold and damp and not really conducive for working in the garage. Also, I'm out of kerosene for the heater

I've come to the realisation that I will have to remove the battery, battery tray, driver's fresh air ducts, and the washer bracket in order to get at the left exhaust manifold. I probably recognised that fact earlier, but I was hoping against hope that I could find another way to get at those manifold bolts. I also picked up a relatively inexpensive Craftsman impact wrench to go along with my new compressor. Tool buying is so much fun -- I'm like a kid in a candy store! Am I the only one, or have some of you felt that the more tools you accumulate, the more capable you become and you find that you are willing to take on projects that you would have paid others to do months earlier??

I am still envious of those of you who have no problems ripping apart an entire front end, pulling the engine and trans, rebuilding and painting them both, and then putting everything back together again, and it works!! I do not have that sort of confidence in my mechanical abilities. Just re-building the brake system, replacing the exhaust system, and getting the T-L system back into shape is a major project for me. Once those three projects have been completed, I will consider that to have been a major accomplishment.

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