Re: Henry's 55 Constellation

Posted by 55PackardGuy On 2012/1/5 20:47:33

Stephen wrote:
You can get FLD florescent daylight tubes that will give you high noon color temp. Close to color temp of electronic flash so you will record "real" color. Not that expensive.


First off-- reaaalllly purdy! Your patience is paying off.

Second, in respect to the "high noon" or "full spectrum" (as they are generally labeled), they tend to be harsh if used for regular lighting situations such as shop lights (makes you realize how "harsh" sunlight really is)! You can get the effect you want for photos with one of the spiral type bulbs which are also available in "full spectrum", and a light stand of some type to position over parts etc.

I know, details, details, but I figure you're a detail guy, so...

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