Re: 51Packard's....51 Packard

Posted by casey rog On 2012/3/26 20:05:45
I got into reading this discussion late, but, for filling any little holes in the body I would suggest using lead. I did that on my '51 300 and am quite pleased with the results. It takes a bit of practice, but you get a repair that will not fall off the steel, is very hard after it cools, and will never rust. I buy lead from ACRO Sales in Menomonee Falls WI. IT is called 3070 acroloy bar solder. It comes in 1/4lb bars. You will also need the tinning compound available at the same source. Their phone #is 262/781-8940.
Last time I bought lead it was about 5.75/lb (a whole lot cheaper than Eastwood), and you can remelt the drips and small pieces left to make new bars. The wooden paddles are usually available on e-bay along with the vixen files etc.
Try it I know you will like it.

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