Re: Seeking My Clipper's History

Posted by Craig the Clipper Man On 2012/12/27 10:33:24
I knew I shouldn't have whined ...

The following e-mail was at my office this morning from Stuart Blond:

"Thank you for your e-mail of last week. I am sorry that it has taken me this long to answer you.

"I have updated the records for your car on the V-8 Roster, and have attached a copy of the 5567 pages for you.

"Except for the 1956 Caribbean convertibles, I do not have the delivery records for the 1955-56 Packard V-8s. However, I can make an educated guess as to when your car was produced.

"The 1955 Packards were introduced on January 17, 1955 and production continued until early November 1955. As your car was the 3,236th produced out of a total of 6,672 (1955 Clipper Custom Constellations), that would put it right before the halfway point of production. Thus, I am
calling the date late-May / early-June 1955.

"I hope that this information has helped you, and I wish you good luck with both your car and your search for information about it."

I am glad to know this stuff and I thanked Mr. Blond for the info. Hopefully more good news is on the way.
both your car and your search for information about it.

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