Re: Stewart's 1955 Packard 400

Posted by Stewart Ballard On 2017/2/1 11:11:34
The wife and I were flew to Phoenix AZ for a farm conference last week. Sunday we drove down to Tuscan and visited this guy below and his wife. Some of you will surely recognize KevinAZ from this site and Craig's Packard Panther website.

Wonderful hospitality and a ride in his 400.

For many of you Packard's are a regular sight but in my part of the country they are few and far between. In fact, I had never even seen a 400 with my own eyes before (other then my own). Kevin is also the first and only PackardInfo member that I have met in person.

Seeing and riding in Kevin's 400 was everything I hoped it would be.

Note to self, never again tease the wife about the T/L as she climbs out of the back seat. I forgot she knew what that was.

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