Re: James's Black Friday 400

Posted by jfrom@kanter On 2014/2/21 10:41:16
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">

Here is a brief video of the car. Nothing to special.

Hey Guys,

I finally had sometime to get back to the 400 after many days it seems of shoveling snow. I managed to squeeze in sometime to do a tune up on the old car. I changed the plugs (they were awfully fouled), cap, points, and condenser. All were in terrible shape. So I did the usual set the points, dwell and timing. Now the car runs awesome even in the freezing temps we have been experiencing here in NJ. Just two pumps of the pedal and a quarter turn of the key and she fires off. So excited to get this car on the road. Can the snow melt any faster lol.


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