Re: HA's 52 200 Grey Ghost

Posted by Hans Ahlness On 2014/7/24 16:31:14
James, I did reuse the original timing chain and gears as there didn't seem to be any sag or appreciable wear on the gear teeth and chain.

O_D, I did verify the #1 compression position with my thumb and the timing marks. I had the wires on the cap as the originals had been (#1 lower left looking down at the cap) and verified the firing order, but it seemed like when the points were just opening (using my multimeter) the rotor wasn't pointing exactly at the #1 position, just a bit ahead. I played with turning the distro to get it better aligned but that didn't seem to make a difference in my results. So, I tried flipping it 180 deg and see if the rotor is more directly aligned with a different tower (upper right), and moved all the wires to match. Same thing.

Points are set to .016" gap per spec, new plugs are gapped to .023-.025".

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