Re: HA's 52 200 Grey Ghost

Posted by Hans Ahlness On 2014/8/19 18:55:20
I had a little time over lunch today so I went through my vacuum wiper motor. I was really lucky, all the seals and gaskets were in good shape and it was clean inside. However, the grease inside was the color and consistency of ear wax, so it was pretty stiff.

So I cleaned everything up, put it all back together with liberal doses of silicone dielectric grease (I use Dow Corning 4 since we use that for aviation stuff a lot) and hooked my little vacuum pump tester, and it works! I'd never seen one of these in action before so it's kinda cool.

Can anyone tell me what the hose connection (on the right side, second photo) is supposed to be hooked up to? Nothing went to it on my car, and the vacuum came straight from the intake port since the fuel pump vacuum was broken and bypassed.

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