Re: 1940 120 Convertible Coupe Restoration

Posted by Joe Santana On 2015/8/21 15:10:46
Thanks, John,

I went back and looked at those pages. Now I'm really rather glad I didn't know about C2C when my work was done.

But your work, as everyone acknowledges, is exceptional. I know it takes time to record what you're doing with photos and descriptions of the process and posting as you go. But this is a real service and certainly something that metal workers could be referred to working on our old cars. I'm so glad you're working on a '40 Packard.

There are few restoration shops that post here either showcasing their work or showing the process they use to restore something. Maybe they feel they would be giving away trade secrets or feel this is just extra work. Or people would DIY, or try. Of course it is, but seeing what you're able to do, I don't think there's anyone here that would hesitate to give you the work needed.

An outstanding project blog here is Mal's (ozstatman), not only for showing the know-how, but for the engaging text. As a marketing guy, I think this would be a great place to promote expertise and services by sharing it with us amateurs (speaking for myself), but I don't see other shops doing this. So thank you for doing this.

One thing I really like is seeing the drawings, templates, tools or equipment you use to make some of these pieces and how you used it. We all need a reason to get more stuff for the shop.

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