Re: Randy Berger's 1956 Caribbean

Posted by BH On 2008/3/16 18:45:33
Howard -

The crowned rectangle for the choke shield should be obvious to anyone who's seen an authentic V8 Carib with hood up, but I've seen a couple examples with a zig-zag stamping that is completely wrong.

Attached is a pic (front view) of the "intake" shield I removed from my unrestored, unmolested '56 Caribbean Hardtop and loaned to Randy. That's something I wouldn't do for just anybody, but Randy is a great guy and lives within a reasonable driving distance.

This shield was missing from his partially-restored car, and very hard to see as installed on the engine. It's a bit tricky to R&I with the intake in place, too, but can be done.

My shield appeared to be unpainted (and unrusted), and I took it, gunked-up, to Randy for his inspection. We concluded that there was enough bronze paint on it that it wasn't merely overspray. So, he decided he would have his painted bronze. It is entriely possible that there were variations in production coatings - not terribly hard to change if it can be proven one way or the other.

The anti-rattle stuff is leather, folded over the top edge and stapled through the sheet steel.

With the input from all the great V8 owners here, I suspect we will eventually be able to put together the definitive judging manual for these cars!

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