Re: KPack's 1954 Panama

Posted by HH56 On 2024/1/18 9:52:03
I don't know how successful your epoxy repair will be long term but if you need a replacement knob Lavine Reproductions has the shift and turn signal knob repros. Those can be ordered cast in any of the standard Packard plastic colors and if you click on the knob the available colors chart can be viewed.

There is a chart on page XVII of the intro section to parts manual showing which interior colors were available in the various models.

Historically over the years, the Deluxe steering wheel was available as an option in all models and the same wheel is listed in the parts book as used from 48-53 but is not listed for 54. Packard did go all out with interior color co-ordination in 54 so conceivably the only official wheel was the painted one to match a specific interior trim. I seriously doubt a dealer would turn down a sale if a customer wanted a Deluxe wheel so even if not officially approved expect there were some installed.

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