Re: Mike's 53 Caribbean

Posted by Tobs On 2024/9/26 5:26:00
Taking a short brake from doors to figure out why the kickdown function on my R11 overdrive is not working. I have already checked that the four wires from the kickdown switch to the coil, lockout switch, relay and solenoid are correct, and also that the kickdown switch is correctly opening and closing the circuits as it should. So far, the easy stuff looks good. Wiring and kickdown switch are good.
I performed a test that is included in the instruction manual of the "Warner Automatic Overdrive" : With the engine running, I grounded terminal 6 of the solenoid (wire 45-GBK, the one that goes to the B posts of the kickdown switch) and then actuated the kickdown switch. This shut off the engine, by grounding out the ignition coil.
Reading the BW instruction manual, it seems like the solenoid is not internally closing a contact like it should when it is actuated....I guess I need to remove the solenoid, but dont want to do that unless I am sure. Can somebody confirm this is a solenoid problem?
The overdrive works fine otherwise. The relay clicks, the overdrive enganges as usual, and disenganges when I get too slow. The cut in/out speed does seem to vary sometimes, but besides no kickdown, the OD works OK.
In the OD trouble shooting section of the packard manual, page 21 point 4.(e) for "failure to disengage" says, "Overdrive relay faulty. Ground-out unit not operating." To check this, it says check operation of relay with a test lamp. I'm not sure how to do this.

It would be easier to fix or change the relay than the slenoid...Can one of the OD geniuses help me out here?

I'm OK with a multi-meter or test light, so if there are any other tests I can do before pulling a solenoid, I would be happy to do that. Thanks guys.

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