Re: Don’s 1937 (120) 138CD Deluxe Touring Limo

Posted by Don B On 2024/10/4 18:02:58
Spent the day on Packard things…mostly doing some planning for my winter projects. If I can get this list done, I’ll believe I’ll be ready to get it in for body work. But, I won’t do that until about this time next year as I want to keep the car in service until after the national Packard meet in KC next year.

Here is the winter list:
1) right side king pin
2) remove rear leaf springs and send off to have new springs made. Install new springs
3) remove front and rear shocks and send to be re-built. Re-install

Once those three are done, the steering system and suspension system will be complete.

4) replace head gasket - I already have the gasket since I bought a full kit due to the kit being much less expensive than buying everything separately. Many of the gaskets/seals in the set have already been installed.

After this….back to driving the car and having fun for a while until it’s time for body work. In the meantime, I’ll be making a lot of calls to see if I can get on the schedule now for body work. It seems almost every shop is loaded up with work.

As for real work, I did give the old girl a 750 mile oil change. It may not have needed it, but it’s quick and easy to do and 750 miles this year is about 730 miles more than the car saw in the previous 60 years combined.

After that, I drained about 3/4 gallon of coolant so that I could clean out the gano filter I installed earlier this year. The filter was clearly worth it and prevented a bit of crud from getting to the radiator.

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Next up on the Packard agenda….Hershey…hope to see you there!

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