Re: 1924 Sport 136

Posted by Karl On 2024/2/26 15:56:21
You're right, I did this work 3 years ago. I have been restoring the 1924 Sport for a long time and have already explained on various occasions (including in the “Pre War” forum) why I could not do it in a shorter time. Because that was absolutely what I wanted. Health reasons and 3 stays in the hospital in the last 4 years made my wishes impossible. In addition, I had promised a friend that I would build a completely new soft top, including a new top frame with wood bows, on his 1929 Bentley Blower replica. This work also took more time than expected. So my work was repeatedly delayed. Incidentally, the course of a restoration like the one I am carrying out here cannot always be carried out in the order that was planned. The engine, completely restored, has been sitting on its assembly stand ready for installation for 3 years. Most of the interior is already ready for installation... but it still needs to be covered with leather first. Many small components that I have restored are also waiting to be installed. Most of the parts to be nickel-plated are also ready for installation. Another reason why this work has taken so long is that I can only carry out the majority of the work in the months in which the temperatures allow it, because my hall (barn) cannot be heated. I had separated a large part of my hall so that I could heat it. But for many reasons this was only possible electrically. However, electricity prices are hardly affordable here in Germany. For comparison... here in Germany a liter of Super Gasoline costs €1.90. That would be around €2 in the USA. So 1 gal. Gasoline then costs $7.60 in the USA. So you can compare the electricity prices/energy prices in the same way as the gasoline prices. All of this is the reason why I am reporting here partly on work that I have carried out some time ago. As for the cardan shaft... the parts in picture... 396 are not yet finally assembled. Because I can only weld the sleeve to the shaft once I have fitted the cardan shaft. And I can only do that once the engine and transmission are in place. And last but not least... I had no intention of showing my work here on PI when I started my work.


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