Re: Tom Malas "1931 833 Restoration "

Posted by BH On 2007/10/16 8:11:06
Tom -

While I don't squirt paint for a living, I always did as much on my own cars as possible, but it's been nearly 20 years since I even did any touch-up repair (other than quick-n-dirty rattle can work).

That said, a lot has to do with product and technique. (I've gotten great results with some $40 guns that I found at swap meets.)

When it comes to product, I'd expect to use a lot more high-build primer than epoxy, as a lot of that is going to get sanded off. Yet it seems like you've used a lot of epoxy primer. Are you thinning/reducing as directed?

However, the bigger concern is for technique - your handling of the gun and its adjustments. If the gun is too far away or incorrectly adjusted, a lot of product might end up going into the air rather than on the target.

Take your hand and spread your fingers wide apart. The distance from the tip of your thumb and the tip of your pinky finger is a good guage for the distance between the tip of your gun and the target. Then, after checking your air supply pressure, spray a test pattern on a piece of scrap and adjust the air and fluid needles on your gun as needed. Also, know that even basic primers are pretty hard on a spray guns; best to have a new gun for topcoats and used older worn guns for primer.

Mind you, I've no experience (yet) with HVLP systems.

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