Re: BigKev's 1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Sedan

Posted by BigKev On 2009/1/18 4:47:31
Well it's been in the 80s the last couple days. So very nice weather to work in the garage (aka Mantopia).

Thanks Mal. I try to take pictures in series so it not only helps me later during reassembly, but perhaps may help someone else that stumbles across my Blog later on.

I would have got more of the brake parts media blasted today, but I need to change out the media. It's not cutting very well anymore and it's caking up. So I think it just too contaminated to use, and needs to be replace. So I am off to Harbor Freight in the morning to get another 25lb container of 80-grit glass bead.

I also noticed that I am going to have to replace at least the rear section of the exhaust as the pipe is rusted away close the gas tank (see picture).

Does anyone know what these holes are for in the inner fenders in the rear (see pic 2). They exists on both the left and right side.

Also I haven't looked in the service manual yet. But do I have to repack that axle bearing, or is it lubed another way? Never done rear drums before, so that is why I am asking.

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