Well fast forward a year and now we have bought our first house, and my wife let me have the entire garage to myself.
4 new tires were bought to turn the car into a roller, and the car was towed over to its new home.
With more room to work, and places for the parts, I tore into the front end and removed all the sheet metal.
Here is what I have done since then:
Refinished the Starter
Installed a 12volt solenoid
Added a Ballast Resistor (needed due to the 12v conversion)
New 12v coil
Refinished the trans cooler
Refinished the fan and pulley
Installed new plug wires
Refinished the Oil Filter canister
Rebuilt the fuel pump
Cleaned the fuel filter, and replaced the element
Pulled the oil pan, cleaned out the sludge, and refinished the pan.
Fabbed up the bracketry and installed a GM alternator
Converted the regulator housing into a master fuse holder.
Refinished the air filter housing
Refinished the Heater Blower housing, and swapped the motor for a 12volt one from a 55/56 model
Getting settled in the new house and the expense that goes with it really put a pinch on the resto budget. Also the crazy heat this summer had temps regularly above 115 in the garage. So all of that slowed down the amount of progress I was able to make.
Santa was good to me this year a brought new tools to make everything easier moving forward.
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