Re: BigKev's 1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Sedan

Posted by BigKev On 2007/12/30 21:27:40
Well as part of prepping the front section of the frame for paint, I needed to pull the steering assembly out so I could scrape the junk ok of it, strip the paint off if it.

It came out pretty easily. Except someone in the past used a bend nail instead of a cotter pin on the passenger side, center link end cap.

So hear is a pic of what the assemble looked liked off the car, and another after disassembled the center link and cleaned as the internal parts.

One place I am stuck is that I cannot seperate the tierod ends from the steering arms. Do I need to use some type of puller to seperate them? I thought a couple firm wacks with a 3 lb plastic mallet would have broke it free, put that is not the case. I want to replace the rubber dust shields as they are a little worse for wear.

To date I must have chiseled 50 lbs of muck of the underside of the Clipper.

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