Re: BigKev's 1954 Packard Clipper Deluxe Sedan
Posted by Dave Kenney On 2007/5/24 15:19:33
Kev, Congratulations on getting the garage up and running. Nice score on the vise. I only have a lousy 4" one and I would really like to get a good 6" one also.
The oil lines are obviously wrong as you mentioned. The one problem I see with the present arrangement is that the lifters may not be getting enough oil. There should be a T at the present oil sender fitting with one line going up to the lifter gallery inlet and the other line going to the upper fitting on the side of the filter. There is a restriction on the oil filter upper fitting which restricts the flow of oil to the filter to allow full pressure to the oil lifter gallery inlet. The oil pressure from the oil filter to the gallery as it is set up now might be insufficient . The lower fitting on the oil filter should run to another fitting directly below the T and this empties oil back into the crankcase. Attached is a diagram from a 1947 Parts Book but I think your car would use the same setup more or less.
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