Re: The Duchess Project: 1940 Super 8 Convertible Sedan

Posted by Joe Santana On 2012/2/28 9:43:10
GLOVE BOX LIGHT: For the glove box light, 5/16th ball bearing is too large, so getting a 1/4" and 3/16th to try. Since it worked with tiny buckshot size ball bearings, I'll keep those.

TRAVEL COMPANION: 130# Rottweiler Sophie took her first ride in the Duchess last night. The condition: she had to wear protective boots. At first she walked on them on her tip toes, more like a Doberman, but soon she was comfortable in them, if it meant she could go for a ride. She did not try to pull them off as I thought she might. She did ask if the reflector stripes were really necessary.

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