West Peterson wrote:
This may have already been mentioned, but worst-case scenario you should not have to include reverting to 12-volts. We used 6-volt motors from 1950s Lincolns to "update" the windows in two or three of our 180 Packards.
West, thanks. I do have your solution in my notes. The reason I would contemplate 12 volts is because I would be looking at possibly using a linear actuator to operate the windows. To the best of my knowledge, these are 12 volt only. If that isn't feasible, then the modern 'hot rod' power window conversion kits would seem the cleanest way to go (again... 12 volt).
This 180 will never see the show circuit. Too much has been done to it in the past. I will be striving to make it look as correct as I possibly can within a limited budget doing most of the work myself.
It's possible I might hide a 12 volt battery in a period piece of luggage in the trunk in lieu of a complete conversion. Time will tell.
Are the 50's Lincoln motors adaptable to the existing hydraulic straight line lift or do you replace the entire mechanism from the window down with the Lincoln lifter assembly?
I have yet to test the pump with fluid under pressure to see if it leaks. I will be using type F transmission fluid,
not DOT 3 brake fluid.
It's always nice to have other options if this doesn't work out.
packard0820 wrote:
JD I,m restoring a 41 180 7Pass LeBaron any extra window switches for sale Thanks Bob
A 1941 180 LeBaron? Tell you what... we can trade cars and I'll throw in all the switches, and the pump for free!
Seriously, I don't know which (if any) switches work. Once I get this all sorted out and decide what to keep and what to let go, I'll let you know.
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