Re: Michael's Starter motor bust and Barries car on the road - - - -

Posted by africapackard On 2012/8/6 5:35:41
Hi Michael!

Congratulations on a wonderfull hosting of the games in London!

I think we are experiencing a kinda de javu? Early on in my restoration my casing also broke clean off with a backfire.... I also had it welded as that part is totally unobtainable in SA. What I did find afterwards is that the welding was a very small bit skew or out of true, meaning that the starter gear tended to catch just a teeny bit after the car started. Sometimes you could hear the gear touching the flywheel. Fixed this with a thick spacer between the starter and bell housing. About 0.5mm made from a gasket material. This just moves the gear out of the way. In my case I have to make these kinda plans as getting a replacement is impossible ... sometimes I must laugh at myself for the kind of plans I have to make haha!

As a long term project I would like to look at a modern replacement starter to be adjusted as I believe once pot metal has cracked you cant really depend on it. The smallest imperfection in the welding means that starter can let you down at the most awkward time. I dont want that.

Good luck and send some photos of your car.

By the way, I bought myself some British problems the other day...see photo.

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