Dans 53 Clipper
Posted by Danny Petty On 2008/1/6 21:57:55
Well over all had a great weekend under my Clipper.
the leak on my fuel turn out to be a missing casket on the sending unit, my frieds at NAPA took care of that for me. Then there was the problem with the fuel gage not working. While I had the tank of I checked the sending unit with a multimeter and it worked fine. Started looking at the wires and found one frayed so replaced it gage still didn't work. Guess what the problem was... who ever worked on Clipper before had hooked the license plate light wire to the fuel sender and the the fuel sender wire to the license plate light (had me in a spin for awhile). now my license plate light shine brightly and I know how much fuel I have in the tank.
Didn't make much progress with my 3 brake hoses because the ones I got from NAPA were the wrong size so took my old ones in to NAPA and my new hoses will be in from the warehouse tomorrow, by the way the rear hose is different from the 2 on the front. My speed odometer still does not work so I am going the cheap route first and bought a new cable. The cable spins fine when not connected to the speedodometer but maakes a noise when connected to the speedodometer I am hoping that maybe the cable is worn on the end that connects behind the dash.
still having problem figuring why I don't have power to my right front turn signal. I have power under the dash but not under the hook on the orange wire.
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