Re: Snapey's 1935 Racing Biposto
Posted by Matt snape On 2011/7/12 7:56:48
Thanks Guy - yes very happy so far. The engine was dropped into place previously with my Dads help, but now it will likely move again, so I am glad I didn't go to the effort of fabricating proper mounts for it just yet.
The engine will be solid mounted to the chassis as was common practice with specials of this type in the day (and still). This makes lining everything up a bit easier and the whole thing simpler and lighter. It also has the affect of the engine essentially becoming part of the chassis and increasing the cars ridgity - something that it seems Packard was keen to avoid in their passenger cars for obvious reasons.
I went out to the shed last night to assemble a new piece of furniture for the BW (Beautiful Wife). Two hours later she appears in the doorway as I am lining up a freshly cut template on the front of the Packard chassis - "You just can't help yourself, can you?" she says.
"No." I replied.
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