Re: Henry's 55 Constellation

Posted by Ray17015 On 2012/12/8 15:13:33
I like the other saw the firewall and couldn't believe with all the other detail that you left that tidbit out, (even if temporary, it had to feel good). I am deployed again so neither of my cars will be seeing any attention until April, unless the wife goes crazy and wins the lottery of course! So, I am living vicariously through you and a few others, (mostly you as I love your work).

My wife just sent me an original sales brochure for my constellation, and so I was inspired to reread all 130 pages!! Good thing that I am the boss over here so no one looks too closely at what is on my computer. You work much faster / and your son grows more quickly in cyberspace. It seems like only yesterday you were announcing the pregnancy, oh wait, it was yesterday in my rereading.

Keep up the tremendous work, and lets get that thing fired up!

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