Re: Twilight of the Gods

Posted by Rusty O\'Toole On 2013/8/17 18:05:42
Mason made valiant efforts to lose weight. In the pictures above, he is noticeably thinner, and older with gray hair, in the first picture. The second picture appears to be several years earlier, and shows him to be at least 50 pounds heavier.

I remember an article from the early fifties that said, this man who looks like he eats seven course dinners, usually dines on salads and lettuce leaves.

As for exercise he was an avid fisherman and owned hundreds of acres along the Au Sable River when he died. He left the property to the Boy Scouts of America, along with $25000 "to pay for the fish I took out". They don't make men like that anymore.

PS Neither Mason nor Romney were car men. Mason was a very talented executive who had a good position at Frigidaire and was not interested in the auto business. When Charles Nash offered him the CEO position at Nash, he turned it down. Nash had to buy Frigidaire in order to get Mason to work for him.

Nash said there were 3 things that impressed him about Mason's work at Frigidaire. He took over a bankrupt company and turned it into a success, which was an accomplishment in itself, but a) he did it in the midst of the worst depression America had ever seen and b) he didn't fire anybody. The same management team that ran the firm into bankruptcy without Mason, made a smashing success with Mason at the helm.

Romney had no feel for the car business and soon left to go into politics.

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