Re: Are 57 and 58 Packards really Packards

Posted by acolds On 2009/9/11 15:12:12
I have a Turning Wheels (bulletin of Studebaker drivers club) dated Jan 1988 with a article by George L Hamlin according to article Mr Hamlin is or was senior editor of Packard Cormorant.
The article states that the decision to make the Packardbaker was made in August 1956 and that the car would be introduced last ten days of January 1957. The time line was three months to get the Studebaker to look like a relative of the Packards.Teague did the job. If you take into consideration the styling and engineering and acquiring of tooling to do the job to get it done from August and get cars in dealers hands by Jan 57 was quite a accomplishment.
All information I have read states that Teague left for Chrysler in 1957.
Appears that Teague pulled of another fast wonder. He was use to working with limited resources and doing a great job of it. All companies who had him working for them if nothing else had human resources departments that could find talent

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