Re: Sorry guys, this is gonna pi$$ you off!

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2008/9/27 22:39:22
To each his own, it's your money and you can do with it what you wish. But how much this hobby has changed since I first entered it many years back is suprising and in a way depressing. Of course back then we were buying cars of the 30s, many of them bona-fide Classics, and cars of the 50s were plentiful and cheap, our everyday cars. But we viewed ourselves less as owners and more as caretakers of a piece of automotive history when it came to our vintage cars. With perhaps the exception of whitewall tires, authenticity was the byword and restoration was the exception. It was the joy of preservation and driving them and experiencing what it was like to drive in prior decades that was the thrill -- now all to often it's overrestoration for bragging rights and the only miles the car sees is off and on the trailer. And how it saddens (and maddens) me to see a lovely presentable Packard 12 or other similar wonderful car given IFS, tilt steering column, Chevy engines, Turbohydomatic, power steering, etc. and them call them all "upgrades" and thinking it increases the value. Why not just drop the Packard bodyshell over an Accura and be done with it. Oh well, I guess I'm just an old dinosaur.

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