Re: forgive me for I have sinned, Chevy engine in Packard

Posted by acolds On 2009/1/6 19:28:16
From the looks of your car I say job well done glad you kept the single exhaust as I like the looks of sleepers. My personal feelings are it your car do as you wish if anyone does not like it ask them for money to fix it and sure they will keep their hands in the pockets.
My grandfather said he would drive any thing someone else bought for him but if he was paying it would be his choice even to color.
From the looks of your car the workmanship will be appreciated by any real car person. The only other person you and your car need to make happy is your wife.
There are usually a lot of car at events that have the hoods closed if you are concerned about the Chevy power-plant keep it closed
My feeling is if a person does not want to have you and your car at there event they are the loser and I know I don't need friends like that.

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