Re: Packard Mortality Statistic

Posted by Jack Vines On 2021/12/21 12:59:50
A point for discussion. I once attended a joint congressional committee meeting discussing safety standards for new cars.

One of the insurance industry experts told me privately, "Building more safety features into cars doesn't prevent accidents. It just allows the numbnuts to survive the accidents they cause. The safest car to drive would be those which have a 12-gauge shotgun shell built into the steering column which in an accident would discharge and kill the driver. Those cars would never be in a collision."

He went on to explain, as more safety features, such as anti-lock brakes, air bags, anti-skid controls, were designed, drivers just go faster, closer together and use up that additional margin of safety.

Same with modifying a Packard; it can never be anywhere "safe" by current standards, but the driver can choose to drive more safely than 99% of those around him.

jack vines

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