Re: Treadlrvac???????

Posted by Owen_Dyneto On 2009/5/4 18:13:58
There was a discussion over on "unidentified engine noise" that mutated into a TreadleVac discussion, so I'll copy my experiences and comments over to this thread.

Though I don't understand the comment that you can't even check the fluid level (unit must have been installed with the cover reversed!), TreadleVacs have certainly become contentious units. They were used as original equipment in millions, perhaps even tens of millions of cars between 1952 and about 1962, I believe Lincoln was the last to use them about 1962 though Mercury, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Packard and many others used them apparently without consequence in their day. GM then developed their own version, manufactured by Delco-Morraine, generally thought by many to be a somewhat inferior unit. I've owned several cars with the Bendix unit and never had an issue, thru many tens of thousands of miles, as have many others. Yet there are stories to the contrary which I don't doubt, attributable perhaps to poorly done rebuild jobs or neglect. There are some key parts which are not included in rebuild kits and are only available from the better of the rebuilders like Ed Strain who have them made for their own captive service operations. Given the importance of brakes, I don't see that $210 or so for a top-notch rebuild is a problem.

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