Re: BRAKES: Easamatic Power Brakes aka Bendix Treadle-Vac

Posted by Eric Boyle On 2009/5/14 23:38:21
My on this subject, starting here with the second post of the thread on this forum.

Post #4 on this thread.

Post #5 on this thread.

All of this thread.

Another good thread extolling the "virtues" of the Bendix Treadle Vac

I've tried to give a good comparison of "pros and cons" with these links. Some like them, some don't.

It's not just Packards that they fail on, it's everything else too. I cannot, will not, and have not recommended the use and restoration of these units, they are much too dangerous. Craig's conversion is the best way to go if you don't want to cut up the car any, Paul's and mine are the best way to go for total updating of the master cylinder. I like Paul's use of the Hydro-Boost setup, but I like my location better. If I were to do it all over again, I'll be using the Hydro-Boost.

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