Re: BRAKES: Easamatic Power Brakes aka Bendix Treadle-Vac

Posted by PackardV8 On 2009/5/16 8:25:13
A warning lite?????? What if the lite burns out????
Is there someone who needs a Christmas tree to suddenly lite up just to tell them that their brake pedal just wnet to the floor????

Dual cylinder vs single. Why not make it quadruple??? Have 2 wheel cylinders per wheel and seperate MC's. One pedal actuates BOTH mc's. Thus 2wo seperate hydraulic systems acting independently of each other.

NO,WAIT A MINUTE!!!! maybe 18 wheel cylinders ......

This has become ridiculous. The single cylinder is just as safe as the dual. OR the dual is so marginal in its 'extra safety" claim so as to be neglegible.

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