Re: Beating a Dead horse - 6v AC

Posted by Mike On 2010/1/10 18:41:01

Turbopackman wrote:
Did the VW Beetle ever have a/c in the 60's? They were 6v up to the late 60's, that may be an option.

Another thing is, if an a/c clutch will operate on 7.5V, why not put in an 8V battery? If you're going to use a 6V alternator I'm sure it can be made to put out 8V. Then at least you'd still have the clutch function so you can shut it off and it will cycle as it's supposed to.

I did consider both of those options...The battery one i've discarded until i do more testing because i don't want to use the sanden compressor that will work with 7.5v (it looks too new and at that point moving to 12v would be cheaper and make more sense)

The beetle angle i'm looking into and will see what i can find. Someone referenced it but no parts shown up as of yet.

I still think we've drug up a lot of good information in here, more than most other forums have on 6v ac theory in one thread.

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