Re: Beating a Dead horse - 6v AC

Posted by Eric Boyle On 2010/1/11 15:28:27
Here is my conclusion:
We have been tying up turbo's time so that speedster isn't getting done any sooner, so we gotta let him get back to work.

You're not tying up my time, it's too cold to work in the garage this time of year anyway.

As for the batteries idea, since you don't want to switch to 12v because of your Pertronix, you can do one of two things:
#1-Post the Pertronix unit for sale on here, I'm sure someone will buy it. Then convert to 12V. There's a simple and cheap HEI ignition that's a LOT better than Pertronix for half the price that can be done with the stock distributor, I'll show you how. AND, if it breaks down you can limp home on the points and get the parts at any parts store.

#2-Buy two of these 6V Optima batteries and put them in line on your battery tray. They should fit the length, and you'll be able to charge it with a 12V alternator, but still run 6V accessories off of it.

Original Image

And there's a third option:
#3-Stop dreaming about a/c and just suffer in the heat.

Me, I went ahead and converted my '48 to 12V as I plan on putting a/c in it and don't give a rat's patootie if it's not a stock electrical system, I just want it to work.

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